(Specific courses offered by tutors vary. See these details in Blue Hen Success.)
Showing 10 out of 73 tutors.
Sanaa Burke portrait
Class of: 2025 Major: Meteorology and Climate Science
Tutor For: Mathematics, Music, Spanish
Kira Byers portrait
Class of: 2025 Major: Biomedical Engineering
Tutor For: Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics
Kate Capossela portrait
Class of: 2024 Major: Cognitive Science
Tutor For: Linguistics
Lucas Castle portrait
Class of: 2025 Major: Mechanical Engineering
Tutor For: Calculus, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics
Ryann Chatfield portrait
Class of: 2026 Major: Biomedical Engineering
Tutor For: Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Calculus, Chemistry
Genevieve Cordeiro portrait
Class of: 2025 Major: Environmental Engineering
Tutor For: Chemistry, Mathematics
Colin Costin portrait
Class of: 2025 Major: International Relations
Tutor For: History
Jayden Coursey portrait
Class of: 2025 Major: Ancient Greek and Roman Studies
Tutor For: Foreign Languages And Literature, History
Scott DePope portrait
Class of: 2024 Major: Mechanical Engineering
Tutor For: Calculus, Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Statistics
Lexi DeSantis portrait
Class of: 2024 Major: Human Physiology
Tutor For: Chemistry