Are you working hard but not seeing the results you want? Overwhelmed by the transition to college work? Struggling to find a balance between studying and having a life? We are here to help!

In addition to our workshops and classes, the Office of Academic Enrichment provides one-on-one support. Schedule an Academic Coaching appointment in Blue Hen Success. Steps are described here.  You can talk with us about your concerns—we’re great listeners! We’ll help you identify what you want to work on and assist you in planning your next steps. Key areas we can address include:

  • Academic & personal support
  • Finding your fit at UD
  • Applying effective study strategies
  • Motivation & goal-setting
  • Academic mindset/Self-management

We are happy to meet with you as often as weekly as you move forward.

For some students, academic coaching will be part of an ongoing relationship with one of our Academic Success Coaches. These typically include selected entering freshmen and students on academic warning.

Drop In Hours for Academic Coaching

Have a quick question or want help applying to your classes what you’ve learned in one of our online workshops? You may not feel a need to make a one-hour appointment. Come to our drop-in coaching hours (schedule below or here), offered five days a week through spring and fall semesters.