Students participate in Peer Assissted Study Session

Peer-Assisted Study Sessions

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are meetings for UD undergraduate students to explore different study techniques, review course material, and work with classmates. These sessions are beneficial for all students, whether they need extra help or are already doing well. Additionally, sessions maybe available weekly or also on specific dates for exam preparation.

PASS leaders are undergraduate students who have successfully completed the course, maintained a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and received training to guide peer groups. PASS sessions are available weekly or on specific dates to help students improve their grades and understand course material better. Leaders create interactive activities to review key concepts. Some leaders may also attend the class to stay up-to-date with the material and build stronger connections with students and professors.

Instructors who wish to learn more about this program should complete this form.

  • Benefits for the student:
    • Work with a trained tutor for FREE
    • Weekly review and work as a team
    • Meet with classmates to compare notes
    • Discuss important concepts, create study guides and practice material
    • Develop strategies for studying the subject
    • Ask questions in an instructor-free zone

Fall  24′ PASS Courses & Details: 

        • TBA